Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Seville and Gibraltar

Hi Everyone!!

Sorry I have not posted in awhile. The email system on the ship is very temperamental and it just did not want to work the past few days. But it has finally started back up so we are good to go.

We docked in Cadiz,Spain on Sunday! I really did not get a chance to see Cadiz because my friends and I hoped on a train first thing in the morning to go to Seville. Seville is really beautiful! The whole city is made up of narrow streets with beautiful balconies looking over. We spent a lot of time walking around the city and looking at the Cathedral. It was SUPER hot there so once it hit around 100 degrees at 3pm we decided to go inside somewhere. We had booked a hotel for the night because it was my friend Emily's birthday. We spent some time being lazy at the hotel and then we got ready for a really yummy dinner. Here is a picture of me and some of my friends. Marissa and Kate are in the back doing the O-H sign (they go to Ohio State BOOOO), Sam is in the front doing the Louisville "L" , and of course I am doing the best college symbol ever……CHIEF!!!!!!

We went to a tapas bar for dinner. Tapas are basically small portions of meals so you just order a bunch of them and share around the table. My favorite food in Spain (and probably on the whole trip) was seafood paella. It was amazing!!!! It is this really good rice mixed in with pieces of lamb, shrimp, mussels, clams, and sometimes squid. Seriously one of the best things I have ever tasted. Had it about 4 times while I was in Spain because I just could not get enough.

The next day we just spent more time in Seville. I really loved the city, and that night we came back to the ship. On the third day in Cadiz I went on a field program to the Rock of Gibraltar. It was SOOO COOL!!! For those of you who don't know Gibraltar is a British colony so you have to cross the border from Spain. Currently Spain and Britain are having a little fight so the lines to drive across the border were RIDICULOUS so we literally had to walk across which was cool. In the process of walking into the city area you had to walk across the airport. So at one point we had to wait and we got to see a plane land and then another one take off right in front of our eyes. Next we got a tour of the World War II tunnels that were created in the actual rock. It was really neat to see where a lot of soldiers spent years working and living. We then got to go higher up in the rock to see a triage hospital that was created in the rock just in case The Germans  attacked, luckily they never had to use the hospital. Then we saw a tunnel where the British set up guns on top of the rock to shoot down towards people trying to attack from the bottom. It was real awesome to see. But I think the coolest part was the monkeys. The monkeys in Gibraltar hang around like squirrels on the main quad at U of I. They are not scared of people at all and they will grab a bag or anything that resembles food. Here is a picture of my new monkey buddy!!

Now we are off to our last port Lisbon, Portugal. We will get there at 4pm today and then leave on Friday for Southampton. Its crazy how we are already heading to our last port, I cannot believe it. 

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