Saturday, August 24, 2013

Home Sweet Home!!

Hi Everyone

Well I finally made it home!! I flew into O'hare Saturday night and got my Portillos cheeseburger right away :)

It is really hard for me to put the experience I just had into words. In the past few days so many people have asked me "how was it?" or "what was your favorite part?" I could say my favorite part was riding a camel in Morocco or climbing all over the ruins at Ephesus. I could say it was watching the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen in Santorini or traveling around the beautiful country of Italy or seeing the stunning island of Gozo in Malta. I could say it was having a picnic in front of the Eiffel Tower or seeing the FC Barcelona Stadium. I could say it was getting a tattoo with my friends in Seville, Spain or climbing to the top of a castle in Portugal. I could say all of those things and they would probably be partially be right, but to be honest there is not one thing in this voyage that was better than the other. Every second that I was overseas I was having new and exciting experiences that will never leave me. I have met the most amazing people in the entire world. I knew I would meet some great people, but I didn't realize in only two months I would get so incredibly close to so many of them. On Thursday morning I cried my eyes out as I said goodbye and left the ship. It is going to be very hard when I use one of our inside jokes and people here look at me like I am crazy. I am so excited to visit with them over the future!!

Now I must thank all of you!! I've talked to a few people since I have been home and I have heard that so many people read this blog throughout my voyage. I was really surprised that so many people were interested in my time abroad. Thank you so much for caring about me and being interested in my voyage. If I have talked to you in the past 10 years you have heard me talk about Semester at Sea and now if I talk to you anytime for the rest of my life you will most definitely hear about this amazing program that changed my life. I cannot wait to see everyone weather it be in a few hours, a few weeks, or a few months. Thanks again and I love you!!

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