Thursday, August 8, 2013


Hi Everyone!!!

I am back on the ship after 3 very fun days in Barcelona!!! Our ship was docked right next to the city center and right by the street Las Ramblas. Las Ramblas is basically the center of the city with tons of shops and restaurants all over the place. It was really nice to have that right outside of the ship!! 

The first day I did a lot of walking around the city. I went to the La Sacre de Familia which is a gorgeous church. It was really really big and just stunning. I have seen a lot of churches throughout this trip and I would have to say this church was up on the list with the Notre Dame.

The next day I went on a snorkeling program through Semester at Sea. We drove to a small beach town about 2 hours away from Barcelona. The water was FREEZING but luckily we got to wear wet suits in the water so I was not cold at all. We saw a lot of fish and coral which was really cool. Afterwards we got to walk around the town a little bit and then I headed out to dinner with my friends when I got back to the ship. Here is a picture of me and my friends Shay and Kevin.

Today my friends Julia , Kevin, Shay, and I went to Camp Nou which is the stadium for FC Barcelona. It was AWESOME!!! There was a whole museum and we got to to go in the stands and right up next to the field. I am not a huge soccer (or futbol) fan but I still thought it was awesome. They had all the championship trophies and pictures of all of the players all over. I really enjoyed it!!! 

Now we are just back on the ship waiting to leave. I think we are going to leave around 10:30 or 11 tonight. We will be at sea for our last 2 days of class before finals. I kind of have to get my butt in gear and finish up some papers. I have no motivation to do school work while I am in port so I definitely need to be productive over the next few days. Our next port will be in Cadiz, Spain for three days and then right to Lisbon, Portugal for 3 days. We then have 2 class days while still docked in Portugal and then 5 days at sea on our way to England. I cannot believe I will be home 2 weeks from today! I have to start mentally preparing myself to look out my window and not see the sea!! 

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