Sunday, June 30, 2013


Hi Everyone!!

I am sitting on deck working on a paper (EWWW) watching a beautiful sunset after a very busy day here on the MV Explorer. Today was the Sea Olympics!! Every deck on board is split into Seas. So I was on the Yellow Sea and everyone competed in a bunch of different competitions throughout the day. Obviously we are on a ship so we had to be a little creative with the events we were allowed to do. Today I competed in dodgeball, musical chairs, and the lip synch competition. In dodgeball we got out butts kicked by the faculty!! And unfortunately one of my professors tore his achilles tendon during the game!! He had a minor collision with one of the guys on my team (who is also in my class) and he stepped wrong and completely tore it. Now the poor guy is on crutches for the rest of the voyage and he has to get surgery when he gets back home! So of course when I saw him coming out of the clinic I kindly offered to push back the due date of our paper so he can recover, but unfortunately he says he feels up to the challenge of grading….GREAT!! Luckily he is in good spirits!!

The highlight of my day was the lip synch competition. There were six of us competing with a mash up of songs. But basically the beginning started off with the first part of Don't Stop Believing and me and another kid did a beautiful "duet". It actually turned out really funny and the crowd loved it. My camera died just as we were about the start, but I am trying to track it down from someone else. As soon as I get it I will try to post it here!! 

For now I will just leave you with a beautiful picture of the sunset I took. We now have two more days of classes and then will arrive in Antayla, Turkey on July 3rd. So we will be celebrating the 4th in Turkey! The crew usually puts on a big BBQ with burgers, dogs, and ribs!!! This will be a GREAT change from the pasta and potatoes we eat everyday!! I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th of July!!!   Love, Kelly

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