Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Italy Part 1: Pisa and Florence

Hi Everyone!

We docked in Livorno, Italy on the 21st and I have done a lot of traveling around since then. On the 21st I had a Field Lab for one of my classes. We went to a World War Two cemetery right outside of Florence. It was extremely moving to see all of those white marble crosses in rows and rows. There are 4,398 men and women buried in this cemetery. It was intense walking up to several of the headstones and reading the soldier's name and the date he died. I found one solider that was killed exactly 47 years before I was born. It was a very unique and heart wrenching experience, but I am so glad I had the chance to pay my respects to the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

The next day I went with a few friends to Pisa. The city itself is pretty big with shops and restaurants lining the streets. The Leaning Tower is only a small part of the city. So we were able to walk through the streets before we found the tower. I had my first authentic Italian pizza and let me tell you it was delicious. After lunch we found the Tower. It was really cool, but a lot smaller than I thought it would be. We spent a lot of time just looking around and taking pictures of it. Here is a picture of me "holding" up the tower.

Today I went with my roommate and a few other girls to Florence. It was really beautiful there! I just could not look away from the buildings they were so pretty. We spent a lot of time walking around the city and eating Gelato of course. Then we found the Duomo. It was HUGE and beautiful!! I could not get over how many sculptures were on the outside of the church! It was absolutely stunning!! 

Tonight the ship leaves Livorno for Civitavecchia. This is basically the port city for Rome. Tomorrow morning I am going on a volunteer project to an orphanage. Then later in the day I am going to Rome with a friend for the night! We are going to see as much as we can in the first evening and then on Thursday morning we are going to the Vatican! I am really looking forward to it!

I hope everyone is doing well! I hear you guys are getting some hot days at home!! We were probably floating around 95-96 today in Italy so I know how you feel!!


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