Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Athens, Greece and Santorini, Greece

Hi Everyone!!

I am finally back from an amazing 4 days in Greece! I had such an amazing time experiencing the big city of Athens and the breathtaking island of Santorini.

The first day in Greece my friend Sam and I went around Athens together. We took the subway into the center of the city and spent a lot of time in the older area of town. There were a lot of shops and restaurants and a really nice marina. We walked around a bit and had lunch at a small cafe. Best gyro in the world!!! People who have gryos in Chicago I am sorry, but they are no comparison! These gyros were so amazing. I had 3 for the four days we were here in Greece. After lunch we started our walk towards the Acropolis. Let me tell you something, these Greek people must have calfs of steel because everything worth seeing is either up 300 steps or up a hill. When Sam and I got up the hill we saw the Parthanon and Nike's Temple. From the top of the hill we also had a wonderful view of the whole city of Athens. On our way dawn the hill we saw the Theatre of Dionissos and the Temple of Zeus. Next we went into the Acropolis Museum. It was an awesome museum with a lot of the sculptures that were dug up with the Parthenon. Here is a picture of Sam and I in front of the Parthenon.

The next day my friends Sam, Emily, Julia, and I got up super earlier to catch the ferry to Santorini. The ferry took about 5 hours to get to the island. Our hotel was a beautiful little place right along the water in Fira. Fira was kind of in the center of the island. We spent some time walking around town and hanging out by the pool. That night we went to Oia. This is the part of the island that has the best sunsets in the world! And let me tell you it was stunning. There were hundreds and hundreds of people in the restaurants and along the cliff to watch the sunset. We had a very nice dinner and spent the evening there. After the sunset we went back to Fira and spent the night hanging out with other Semester at Sea students in town. The next morning we decided we needed more time in Ois so we went and spent the day there. We took tons of pictures! If it was not for all you people at home I would be staying there forever :)  I am really glad I was able to go there, I hope to go back someday!! 

We got back from Santorini last night and went straight to bed on the ship. This morning we went back to walk around Athens for a little bit. After having lunch in the city, we took the metro to check out the Olympic Stadium. Right when we got off at the Olympic stop we were instantly hit with and erie feeling. The whole place was a ghost town. There was graffiti everywhere and there were very few people there. The only people we saw were some athletes swimming in the pool, and a bunch of kids who were in a summer camp playing in the stands. It was kind of creepy to see how something so magical as the Olympics can turn into something so plain. I am writing a final paper for one of my classes about the different countries who have hosted the Olympics and the effect it has had on the country. I hope to see the Olympic villages in Rome and Barcelona. Here is a picture right under the Olympic Stadium sign.
We leave Greece tomorrow morning! I am sad to leave because I have had such a good time, but in three days we will be in ITALY!!!!! I am so excited to good some real Italian pizza into my belly! Also GELATO!!!!!!!!!!! 

Hope everyone is doing well in the US of A! Love you all!!

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